Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor, the definition of a strong-minded man for sure. His beliefs go against the majority of the towns and he makes sure that everyone knows where he stands. Living in a puritan society is no easy task, honestly, I don't think I could handle it. Strict lifestyles and using fear as a tactic for religion? Thats not the way I roll, and its obviously not how John Proctor rolls either. Everyone in the town of Salem is forced to believe the same things, and John Proctor doesn't agree with that. He tends to blame Reverend Parris for what's going on in the town and openly shows his distate for the Reverends decisions. He isn't a shy man when it comes to opinions and sharing them.
  I honestly think that John Proctor is a hero that has the upper hand in that society.  He's realistic and doesn' get sucked onto the bandwagon of beliefs that circle the town. Many people believe in witchcraft and that it is the cause for the weird behavior of the girls. John Proctor is more realistic and thinks there may be more reason behind the odd behavior. Also, many people don't stand up to Reverend Parris and just smile and agree with everything the Reverend says. John, however, always challenges what the Reverend has to say. He doesn't believe that the Reverend is doing a good job and is just manipulating and tricking the townspeople into believing things that aren't true. Living in a Puritan society, it must be hard attempting to have your own thoughts, but that never stopped John Proctor. John Proctor is realistic and doesn't give into the ignorant beliefs that the other people do. If more people were like John Proctor, maybe they wouldn't be as easily manipulated and could make their own decisions.


  1. I completely agree. I think in my blog, I may have mentioned something about the fact that yes, he is a hero, but he also isn't a perfect hero cause of his affair and everything. Reading this, I take it back. I think that everyone makes mistakes, and that everyone can be and should be forgiven. He's a hero.

  2. A person that stands up against the majority of the authority in a despotic society is either suicidal or brave. You showed that Proctor was the brave hero who stood for his beliefs even when faced with death. A martyr is a hero in my book. Good job :)
