Thursday, September 9, 2010

About me(:

Ahhh, the beginning of a new school year. Bittersweet emotions filter through the halls of Whitney M. Young Magnet School. Freshmen and ackies everywhere,running to their classrooms or attempting to look completely cool and in control. Seniors excited to take over the school and the Juniors already taking their position as part of the "upperclassmen." Then, there are the sophmores. Girls sqealing in the hallways greeting each other and boys happily accepting hugs from them. Alas, I found myself being one of these sophmore girls running here and there saying hi to everyone I possibly could. "Who is she?" you may be asking to yourself. "Is she a stereotypical teenage girl?" The answer to that is simple: no. I am a unique person with ideas and goals, but before we get to that, lets start with the basics.
My name is Monica Michelle Hamada-Pena (thats quite a mouth-full!) I am a quarter Japanese, half Panamanian and quarter Polish-American-Jewish (among others). I was born in Rio Abajo, Panama, but i've lived practically my whole life in the U.S. I visit Panama every year with my family for Christmas. I feel that being exposed to, along with actually being a part of, two completely different cultural lifestyles has really helped me become the person I am today and I have my family to thank for that.
My family consists of my mom, Maria, my dad, Matthew, two sisters, Mimi and Marisol, and of course (the most important member of our family): our pet Shih Tzu, Nicky. My family has supported me through everything and are always there for me. Ever since I was little, my mom has made sure that I stay true to my Panamanian roots. I am bi-lingual, speaking both spanish and english. My dad always helps me with my work and because of him, I am a proud White Sox fan! My sisters, as much as they may annoy me and drive me off the wall, tend to always put a smile on my face (..well...sometimes).
Music is my passion. Ever since I was little i've been involved with music. Whether it be listening to music from all over the world (thanks to my parents), being exposed to theory/technique, or making my own music. Two people that really helped me evolve into who I am musically are my paternal grandmother and a close family friend, Rodney Stapleton. They've supported me, helped me, and encouraged me to pursue music. I have been playing guitar for three years and am currently in the Whitney Young Concert Choir.
I also enjoy writing. I feel like writing is the perfect way to express feelings. To improve my writing, I love to read. I read all sorts of books, from fantasy to biographies. Reading is one of the best ways to expose yourself to other viewpoints and worlds. Getting lost in a completely different world through reading helps me stay sane (especially with my sisters!)
I may not be athletic and i've found that I can be somewhat of a klutz, but I am completely content with who I am. I have incredible family and friends. I have goals I hope to pursue and memories that will last me a lifetime. So yes, I CAN at times act like a teenage girl, everybody does. When you look much deeper than outer appearance though, I am something more and so is everybody else.


  1. haha monica you have a lot to say!
    oh and..not everyone acts like a teenage girl

  2. You are such a beautiful girl! And I'm thinking you should teach me Spanish.

  3. You can really help me with my Spanish as I'm trying to become bilingual (If I don't go insane first :) ). you're a very interesting person and I hope we get to know each other better. Adios por ahora!

  4. Monica that's so cool that you're bilingual! And I'd love to hear you sing sometime :)
