Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners at the hands of an angry....who?

          For centuries, religion has played a big part in the every day lives of people. Religion influences them in their decisions and how they live out their lives. Johnathan Edwards "Sinners at the hands of an Angry God" emphasizes the punishments that follow making the wrong choice. As he preaches the words describing a God that is full of anger, he manipulates the so called "followers" using fear as a tactic. What kind of God would do that to His people though? That's what I wondered.
           In my opinion, "God" should not be used as a fear tactic for making the right decisions. The consequences for the decisions we make our because of us, not because a supreme being decides to punish us. We are the reason for the way things turn out the way they do. God (or gods) are supposed to be a sense of hope for the people. They should be able to feel comfortable in their lives and God is a sense of support during a hard time. God isn't supposed to be full of anger and hatred. What does that teach the people? Is it okay to be filled with anger? Is it okay to let out the anger on others? God is a role model for the every day people. But when God is a model for retaliation and consequence, what does that teach the people?

1 comment:

  1. Awesomely written. I completely agree. One thing that makes me sad, though, is that I feel like a lot of young people today don't look to religion to make decisions. Religion is a think that seems to be dying out, at least in America. Because we're a "free country", people aren't as religious. That's fine of course, but it still makes me sad.
