Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs Them? Us and Them? Us? Them?

    Individuality. Everyone posses it but not everyone is comfortable with expressing it. Society nowadays has gotten more accepting of differences, however, there will never be complete acceptance. People try too hard to fit into the "norm" but what is the "norm?" Being a teenager is no easy task. There's always the question of whether or not to do "this" or "that." The reprecussions and social damage that can precede a choice would bring any teenager into a state of complete panic. So, in an attempt to avoid harassment or dissaproving thoughts/looks, many of us just follow the crowd. Listen to what our friends listen to, wear whats "popular", talk the way we're "supposed" to talk, act the way we're "supposed to act" etc. What happens when we get too sucked into that molded persona though?
    On the other hand, people take it to extremes, completely boycotting pop culture all together. Now, I'm not saying this is right either. Life is all about balance. Life is about knowing when to stick with your beliefs and accept the beliefs of others. Once people start being able to live a life of balance, there will no longer be a "Us vs. Them" or an "Us and Them" it will be....Us WITH Them.


  1. Something you wrote caught my attention, when you wrote "listen to what our friends listen to, wear what popular...." It made me think that it's hard to know who your real, true friends are. If someone is hanging out with people who want that person to be just like them, that makes me feel like they're not real friends. Thanks for writing, you make me think deep, philosophical thoughts :)
    I love youu!! You're definitely a real friend to me my love.

  2. OMG! Monica I love your take on this blog. you didnt see it as a race thing or a age thing but from the individuality stand point. I would have never thought of it that way. And I also love the title of this blog entry. Furthermore, this go t me to thinking "Who are the us and the them" and "what are we separated by?". And the way you ended the blog was tres perfecto lol. A life of balance. Its one of those things that are easier to say than to do.

  3. By the way I definitely miss being in the same English class with you. Last year was crazy. But ill try and keep in touch with blogs. :)
