Monday, February 21, 2011

Propaganda 2011

Ahh propaganda. It's been used for centuries as a way to manipulate the people. It's a way to convince people to believe a certain way or to do a certain thing. As humans, it's natural to want to "jump on the bandwagon" every now and then. Today, we're using propaganda in the sense of "a form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community."

I can't really think of any reasonable examples of propaganda because it's really up to interpretation. Some may think the old war recruiting posters were propaganda, while others may not. I guess an example of propaganda that relates to the current form of the word could be music/pop culture.

Though we may not know it, we are heavily influenced in the music that we listen too. Things are censored, edited, and tweaked. We listen to what the radio gives us. We listen to what the artists give us. We are also influenced by what they do. If we see our favorite musician coming out of a certain boutique, well, we might find ourselves desiring to visit that boutique as well.

In society, we're pretty much influenced by what others are doing around us. Whether it be a celebrity or someone we look up to. Our attitudes are being decided for us.

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