Sunday, March 27, 2011


The sun rises, orange and red fills the sky
The air is cool, the birds chirp
The fields are empty, calm, still sleeping
The houses stand still, not moving, no distractions
The cold pavement beneath my feet, I want to keep walking
The other world, the different world, the unknown world
How is it that they have control over us, what we do, where we live
Yet...I've never seen them
My feet keep going, my bag is packed
I came prepared for a world I am unprepared for
Goodbye Mother, don't cry, I will be back
Father, be proud, I am becoming the strong individual you want
I've heard stories, legends, but I want to know
I am ready to learn, help me learn
Goodbye my Reservation, don't you cry, I will be back
I will be the strong individual you shaped me to be

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