Sunday, May 15, 2011

A tell tale heart crazy psycho man

Wow, this is some...interesting story. it's very twisted and demented. I mean, killing someone because of their eye? The belief in the evil eye dates back to ancient times, and even today, is fairly common in India and the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. References are made to it in Jewish, Islamic, Buddist and Hindu faiths. The belief centers around the idea that those who possess the evil eye have the power to harm people or their possessions by merely looking at them. Wherever this belief exists, it is common to assign the evil eye as the cause of unexplainable illnesses and misfortunes of any kind.
To protect oneself from the power of the eye, certain measures can be taken. In Muslim areas, the color blue is painted on the shutters of the houses, and found on beads worn by both children and animals. There is also a specific hand gesture named the "Hand of Fatima," named after the daughter of Mohammed. This name is also given to an amulet in the shape of hand that is worn around the neck for protection. In some locations, certain phrases, such as " as God will" or "God bless it" are uttered to protect the individual from harm. In extreme cases, the eye, whether voluntarily or not, must be destroyed. One Slavic folktale relates the story of the father who blinded himself for fear of harming his own children with his evil eye (
        Whether or not you believe in the evil eye or not, this is an irrational act. Killing a man because of his eye? I have concluded that he indeed has many, many issues. Maybe a past experience or a trigger of some sort caused him to act like this, but it doesn't give him a reason to kill.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Super Duper rough Draft. Like. Mega duper.

An old Victorian style house in the middle of winter sits on a quiet street.  It is around Christmas time. There is soft music playing in the background.  Candles are lit sporadically around the house. There is a big round table in the middle of the dining room, with a  dark green table cloth. Two red candles are on each side of the centerpiece, which are red flowers.  The finest green and dark pink china is placed around the table. The aroma of food is wafting through the air all throughout the house. Children’s laughter echos through each room. A fireplace is lit and warm comfortable chair are around it as the adults pick at the appetizers, which include a variety of cheese and crackers.  Snow is falling outside, gently and slowly. The smell of pine is mixed in with the odor of food. Ham and turkey, mashed potatoes and pie. People begin to gather around the table, ready to enjoy a plentiful dinner.
                The head of the table on one side is a short, gruff man with a gray mustache hugging his upper lip.  He wears a green sweater, which is much too tight for him. He squints around,  as if he has lost his glasses. He stares at the ham which is about to be carved and smacks his lips together.  A crooked smile unfold and a gleam begins to sparkle in his eye.
                His wife carves the ham, her hair up in a tidy bun. Bright red lipstick is placed upon her delicate thin lips. Small pearl earrings match with a thin strand of pearls that gently lay across her thin neck. Her brow furrows as she cuts the knife through the ham. Small beads of sweat slowly fall down her forehead. She wears a red dress with red heels. Her apron is green with Christmas trees. When she gets one cut off the ham, she looks up with a proud smile.
                Off to her right is her son. A handsome man about mid 30s. His brown hair is swept to the side and his hazel eyes gleam as he looks into the candle across the table to his two little girls. He smiles a soft, meaningful, loving smile then turns away. He wears a dark blue sweater over a lighter blue tie. Small little lines fall around his eyes, showing stress and going towards old age. He looks around intently, his palms sweaty, nervous. He rubs his hands on his pants and leaves the table,  flashing a sheepish smile at his wife.
                His wife is a beautiful women, with pale skin and dark curls framing her diamond shaped face. Her eyes are a piercing shade of blue. She has bright red lips and a soft smile. She was a pretty blue dress, to match her husband. She looks at him with a worried stare. Stress envelops her pretty face. She plays with the diamond on her index finger of the left hand as she looks with an empty stare past her two daughters. She asks if there is anything she can do to help, then excuses herself to leave for the kitchen.
                Two little girls of the age of 7 and 10 sit across the table of her parents. One the spitting image of her mother, while the other the image of her father. The giggle at each other, sharing their inside jokes. While kicking each other under the table, the eldest notices the stress in her parents eyes. She attempts to forget about that and continues to pull her little sisters dark black curled pigtails. She looked into her little sisters big blue eyes and promised herself that she wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to her. With a confident smile, she looks across the dinner table, then offers to help out, wanting to be a big girl, and goes off to the kitchen.
                “Lily, I don’t know what the Hell you want from me! I said I’m sorry, it was a mistake and I regret it. Now is not the time to discuss this. We’re supposed to be having a nice family dinner” Henry, the father, said to his wife.
                “I’m sorry. I just can’t get off of my mind what you did. It’s not possible. And the way you look at those girls. I can’t stand knowing that we have a secret that’s seriously going to impact their lives” responded Lily.
                “Well, today is not the day to tell them. Just smile and go back in there. Okay?” Henry said harshly.
                “Have you told your parents yet?” asked Lily.
                “Yes, they know. I told them. They’re trying to put it off as if its nothing. They can’t come to terms with the fact that their perfect son cheated on his wife. Destroying his perfect family” Henry looked outside the window.
                “I have to tell the children tonight, it’s better if they know now” Lily said.
                “No, Please—“
                “Amy! Julia! Come here please”
                “No, now is not the time—“
                “Your father has something to say.”
                “I…I don’t know what to say to you.”
                In a small, quiet voice, Julia, the eldest said, “I know. I overheard the whole thing.”
                “What? What do you mean?” asked her father.
                “You act like I don’t hear those fights at night. Like the constant yelling doesn’t wake me up at night. You act like I don’t cry myself to sleep. You act as if I’m blind, not aware of the cold distance that lies between you two. You act like I’m young and don’t understand. Well, guess what? I know. I know everything. I know about daddy’s affair and I know about the divorce. I can’t do anything, but just stop fighting. Please.”
                In shock, the parents didn’t know what to say.  Then, Julia grabbed Amy and walked out of the kitchen.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I heard this old story before
Where the people keep killing for the metaphors
Don't leave much up to the imagination,
So I, wanna give this imagery back
But I know it just ain't so easy like that
So, I turn the page and read the story again
And again and again
It sure seems the same, with a diff. name
We're breaking and rebuilding
And we're growing
Always guessing

Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're Clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
Were trying but where is this all leading
Never Know

It all happened so much faster
Than you could say disaster
Wanna take a time lapse
And look at it backwards
From the last one
And maybe thats just the answer
That we're after
But after all
We're just a bubble in a boiling pot
Just one breath in a chain of thought
The moments just combusting
Feel certain but we'll never never know
Just seems the same
Give it a diff. name
We're beggin and we're needing
And we're trying and we're breathing

Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're Clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
Helping, we're building
And we're growing
Never Know

Knock knock on the door to door
Tell ya that the metaphor is better than yours
And you can either sink or swim
Things are looking pretty grim
If you don't believe in what this one feeding
Its got no feeling
So I read it again
And again and again
Just seems the same
Too many different names
Our hearts are strong our heads are weak
We'll always be competing never knowing

Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're Clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
But the truth is
All we got is questions
We'll Never Know
Never Know
Never Know

Ahh, I love this song. I really do.  It's called Never Know by Jack Johnson. I believe it's about living life and trying to move forward. However, it involves the need of society. We want to find more and are never fully satisfied. We want to know what the future holds for us and be in full control, however, deep down we know thats not possible. We compete against each other, analyzing everything in an attempt to outdo each other and find deeper meanings to things. This song is pretty straightforward, but very real. It's relatable. I love Jack Johnson, his songs are amazing. Look this song up. Fo real. (:

Sunday, March 27, 2011


The sun rises, orange and red fills the sky
The air is cool, the birds chirp
The fields are empty, calm, still sleeping
The houses stand still, not moving, no distractions
The cold pavement beneath my feet, I want to keep walking
The other world, the different world, the unknown world
How is it that they have control over us, what we do, where we live
Yet...I've never seen them
My feet keep going, my bag is packed
I came prepared for a world I am unprepared for
Goodbye Mother, don't cry, I will be back
Father, be proud, I am becoming the strong individual you want
I've heard stories, legends, but I want to know
I am ready to learn, help me learn
Goodbye my Reservation, don't you cry, I will be back
I will be the strong individual you shaped me to be

Monday, February 21, 2011

Propaganda 2011

Ahh propaganda. It's been used for centuries as a way to manipulate the people. It's a way to convince people to believe a certain way or to do a certain thing. As humans, it's natural to want to "jump on the bandwagon" every now and then. Today, we're using propaganda in the sense of "a form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community."

I can't really think of any reasonable examples of propaganda because it's really up to interpretation. Some may think the old war recruiting posters were propaganda, while others may not. I guess an example of propaganda that relates to the current form of the word could be music/pop culture.

Though we may not know it, we are heavily influenced in the music that we listen too. Things are censored, edited, and tweaked. We listen to what the radio gives us. We listen to what the artists give us. We are also influenced by what they do. If we see our favorite musician coming out of a certain boutique, well, we might find ourselves desiring to visit that boutique as well.

In society, we're pretty much influenced by what others are doing around us. Whether it be a celebrity or someone we look up to. Our attitudes are being decided for us.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


As I sit here, watching the Grammys, I listen to the music and the performances. I listen to the hip hop and rap, and then i think to myself, "We should go back to the 80's/90's hip-hop/rap." and then i think...BEAT STREET.

I'm really enjoying this movie. What adds the ultimate plus is Faith adding her own commentary in front of me and Alaina making jokes next to me. Oh yeah, and Casey making a gag noise everytime they show the actress on the screen that he thinks is unattractive.

What i like the most about this movie though, is how it really emphasizes the importance of following your dreams, doing what you love, and breaking free from  "stereotypes" and what is expected from you. The dancing, the music, the art, everyone is doing what they love, and that's inspiring.

In society now, people are scared to show their true colors and to expose themselves because their scared of being vulnerable. The characters in Beat Street are an inspiration because they continue to do what they love, no matter what. People should follow their example (somewhat) and do what they love, no matter what others say.

Craving Attention...This shouldn't be lateee!

Ugh. I don't what happened. I coulda sworn that I uploaded this blog last week. But it didn't show. Oh well. haha I'll just try and repeat as best as I can.

I don't think that Richard is alone in craving attention. Kids are kids. It's part of growing up. I remember when I was younger, I would want the attention of the adults sooo badly. I'd try act "all grown up" and then do what they tell me, just for praise. It's natural for a kid to want their parents or someone close to them to be proud of them.

However, I feel like Richard is approaching these needs in a rather odd way. In certain aspects, he's looking past the logic of things and not even thinking because he wants approval. Killing a cat? I understand he wants his dad to be proud of him, but he should know when things are being taken too far.

In the end though, Richard is just being a kid. A kid that wants attention and approval. A kid that wants to be loved and will do anything to get it.