Thursday, January 6, 2011


Let me start off by saying: THANK YOU. I love short stories. They don't drag on and on, describing pages of details, they don't get boring **cough cough HOTSG cough cough** Because they're short, they have to have constant action, for a good short story, there shouldn't be a boring spot.

The two stories I have to write a response on definetely weren't boring. Especially "Children of the Sea." The journals between the girl and the boy kept my attention the whole time. What they had to say, growing up in Haiti, was so touching. Both of their lives were hard and writing these journals were their escape from the real word. They loved each other, though they didn't always show it. The boy tended to be slightly more affectionate, showing compassion and care openly. The girl was slightly more distanced, not showing until the last journal that she loved him as well. These two children were living a nightmare they really knew nothing about. They lived in fear for what there future held. They were slaves, they could not determine their future.

I also enjoyed "This Sacred Soil." I can't imagine putting myself in that position. Foreigners coming into my home, destroying all that is important to me, dishonoring my family, I would be in complete despair. However, Chief Seattle was not. This speech showed that he was courageous and strong. Though the 'white people' were taking their land physical, the Native Americans were still emotionally connected to the land, and the foreigners could never take that away from them.

1 comment:

  1. I also really enjoyed This Sacred Soil. It's so sad to hear a firsthand account of someone who actually had to go through that. It really puts the whole Columbus Day thing in perspective. I feel like we shouldn't celebrate it, or at least call it something else.
