Thursday, November 18, 2010


I try to be different
I try to be me
But its never been easy
Being a teen in society
Wear this and wear that, who knows what to do
Watch everything you say
It can come back to haunt you
I don't wear the lastest fashions
I don't spend billions when I shop
I may not know everyone
I'm not on the social mountaintop
The crazy party last night?
Sounds like fun, I can see!
But losing control?
Nah, thats not my cup of tea
I like giving my opinion
It can be social suicide today
I'm sorry I let my imagination go wild
It sometimes runs away
Who decided what to look like?
How to talk and what to wear?
The sad thing is though
That deep down we all really care
We want to fit in, you as well as I
But what are we fitting in to?
Is it something concrete? Or is it just a lie?
I know who I am
You know who you are
With a little self-confidence
We can both go far
We only have one life to live
But the question is how?
Don't be a follower...
YOU be the plow.

1 comment:

  1. This is SO great!! I love it. Very fantastic. I love how strongly worded it is, it really feels like you mean it. Just one tiny suggestion (haha I had to think a while to think of something to say), maybe you could introduce the idea of the plow a bit earlier. It sort of jumps out the end, which might actually be nice, but you might want to think about bringing it in earlier. Maybe :)
