Thursday, November 25, 2010

A blog dedicated to the most beautiful, incredible, amazing, perfect person I know....Alaina.

     If I ever had to argue with someone on whether or not there is such thing as perfection, I would win without a doubt. If I ever had to argue with someone about whether or not there is such thing as an incredible friend, I would win. If I ever had to argue with someone on whether or not the sweetest person in the world exists, I would win that there was. All I had to do was mention one name...and that name is...Alaina.
     Now, I probably sound crazy or obsessed, but the moment you meet Alaina you can't help but just fall in love with her. She is such an incredible friend. If I never need someone to turn to, I know I can turn to her. She helps me think of things in class that otherwise I would have never thought of! She's such a positive contribution to the classroom and to my life! In the morning, when i'm half-dying and not looking forward to the day ahead, Alaina makes it so much more bearable. She always puts a smile on my face. And HER smile just lights up.
      Billy, Casey and I depend on her so much. She is the rock that keeps us up. She SAVES us. American Literature without Alaina? I would feel like there was an emptiness in my soul. Whenever she is absent, the class doesnt feel complete. But alas, we know she's doing something crazy like delivering a baby, so its all okay.
     Now that Alaina is in my life, I can't imagine a life without her. Our laughs, Harry Potter Jokes, sweet comments, everything. It means so much to me. Alaina, you are a real best friend. I love you(: <3

1 comment:

  1. :D I love you, beautiful girl!! Thank you so much! YOU are my rock, darling. I wouldn't be able to go on without you. Love love love love love! I'm so glad we met!
