Monday, January 24, 2011

I hear America Singing

Music is all around us. Whether it be singing or someone else. Music is everywhere. This poem emphasizes how important song is in our lives. I personally love music. I sing all the time. So i could relate to the poem.

This poem is special. It's about the many types of people that make up America, of the special qualities of each, and of the America because of them. The song is the ideal by which they live, how each adds to the greatness of the country. It speaks of the great variety that makes up America, from its city and country, different kinds of people, unified by that ideal of how they live their lives, contribute to the wealth of the nation. Each sings his own "song" and yet it combines into one song, the song of America.

Everypart of our society is put together as one. There isn't one job that is WAY more important then another. Sure, there are jobs that are more prominent in culture now. But, they all contribute to our everyday lives.  Not too sound all cheesy, but we are the composers of our musical life **HAYYY. That is so cheesy** Without music, i don't know where i'd be.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A true King

Martin Luther King Jr. Wow. What an important man. He was a civil rights leader. He stood up for what he believed for. But he stood up for it in peace. He lead us into a life of freedom an equality. This man decided to take into his hands the lives of millions of people who were being degraded. And because of this man, we now live in a better country. A king? Yes. A hero? Most definitely.

Times have changed since Martin Luther King was marching around the cities of the U.S. Who would have known that we would ever see the day that there was an African American President. He started us and helped us hit the ground running towards a country of equality.

Obviously, our country is not perfect. There is still racism and discrimination. But not as much. We have a day set aside for Martin Luther King Jr, a day where most kids just say 'Hey! A day off school!" but never fully appreciate. We have to apprecite this man. We have to acknowledge the fact that if it wasn't for his influence, we might not be where we are now.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Let me start off by saying: THANK YOU. I love short stories. They don't drag on and on, describing pages of details, they don't get boring **cough cough HOTSG cough cough** Because they're short, they have to have constant action, for a good short story, there shouldn't be a boring spot.

The two stories I have to write a response on definetely weren't boring. Especially "Children of the Sea." The journals between the girl and the boy kept my attention the whole time. What they had to say, growing up in Haiti, was so touching. Both of their lives were hard and writing these journals were their escape from the real word. They loved each other, though they didn't always show it. The boy tended to be slightly more affectionate, showing compassion and care openly. The girl was slightly more distanced, not showing until the last journal that she loved him as well. These two children were living a nightmare they really knew nothing about. They lived in fear for what there future held. They were slaves, they could not determine their future.

I also enjoyed "This Sacred Soil." I can't imagine putting myself in that position. Foreigners coming into my home, destroying all that is important to me, dishonoring my family, I would be in complete despair. However, Chief Seattle was not. This speech showed that he was courageous and strong. Though the 'white people' were taking their land physical, the Native Americans were still emotionally connected to the land, and the foreigners could never take that away from them.